Asked and Answered

One of our favorite things to do is resource parents with how-tos and answers to their real world questions. Below are questions we've been asked and the info we've compiled in response. 

Got a question of your own? Give us a shout at and you might just see it here sometime soon.

My child is asking about getting baptized. What should I do?

Great question. We've got a whole page dedicated to just that question. Check it out HERE and if you have more questions that pop up, please give us a shout at

How can I encourage my child to participate in worship on Sunday AM's?

The first thing that we would say to parents is that everyone worships in their own ways. That doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T encourage them to sing, raise hands, dance, or do whatever, but kids might not do any of those things, and that is okay (1 Cor 10:31). Your kid might do ALL of those things (and more) and that is also okay. We do believe it is important and valuable for us to teach you that while our Worship should be expressive, we also need to be aware of our surroundings - in that we don't want to distract others. Sometimes that is easier said than done (some kids can be VERY expressive) so having patience is important. 

If you're talking to kids, we think encouraging them to sing and dance is a GREAT place to start when trying to get them to Worship. For teens, encouraging them to sing is sometimes the best thing you can do. No matter what, we believe that teens respond well to a vision-casting focused on what Worship TRULY is - Placing God above everything else. It is awesome when a teen is into the worship and singing along, also DON'T be discouraged when a teen is reflective or contemplative during worship as well. 

How can I encourage my child to have a personal rhythm of time with God?

We long to see our children experiencing joyful and life giving quiet time with God, but the reality is that is a skill set that takes nurturing and guidance to develop overtime, as well as the Holy Spirit to transform their hearts and minds. As we know, kids learn so much from just watching us, and how we integrate God into our lives is no different. Are their opportunities to invite your child into your own moments with Jesus? Maybe through a devotion together or prayer. If you desire a little more structure and organization as you consider how to intentionally disciple your child in this area check out the following resource!

Can you help me think through teaching my kids the ways of Jesus over the ways of the world?

It's natural for us to desire our children to do the right things, but often the moments our children do exactly the opposite are the best moments to invite kids to experience the heart of Jesus. Instead of just stating "little Johnny stop hitting your sister!" to get the behavior to stop, seeing it as an opportunity to walk with them closer to God and to help them realize how deep our need for Him and for His grace goes, and ultimately allowing God to transform their hearts through that. We like to think about this as focusing on heart transformation instead of behavior modification. Leading conversations with your child to who Jesus is, that He desires to make us more like Him day by day, and that he wants to help us in that process can take any daily encounter in public school, private, homeschool, or just during everyday life into an opportunity to lead your child closer to God. 

If you're interested in learning more about focusing on heart transformation instead of behavior modification check out the resources below:

Can you recommend some devotionals to use with my 6-12 year old?

Grow provides devotions labeled for parents that focus on the same content your kids are learning in Kids’ Life each month. We think doing this devotion along with your child would be a great option to dig a little deeper together about what your child heard on Sunday mornings. Check it out under our Grow at Home sheets back on the main page!